Who does not enjoy a good old-fashioned bluff in his game of poker? Applied correctly, and this device converts a loser hand into winner increasing the stress on your rivals. Notwithstanding that, bluffing is a double-edged sword which you might quickly get burnt if misuse or abused. In this article, we will examine the ins and outs of bluffing in joyjili poker and joyjili online poker games. We will share strategies to be a pro at it too!

table game

What is Bluffing in Poker?

Bluffing — bluffing in poker is the skill where trick your opponent to have a higher hand than it really would stand for. This only works if your own opponents fold which in turn lets you take the main container with out suggesting the other players that which hand you have. The three things that should be kept in mind for making a proper bluff is the timing of your move, understanding your opponents and selecting correct moments.

Therefore, bluffing in an online poker game is quite different from bluffing in a live poker game due to the other players not being able to perceptively read you. Instead, it is based on betting patterns, time, how people have reacted to your previous action. Platforms like joyjili provide options for playing poker games online where you can bluff if it works correctly

Kinds of Bluffs

Bluffing is one approach that adapts to what you are dealt. At different times you may need to use different types of bluffs in your poker game.

Pure Bluff

Players must have a weak or no hand in a pure gamble. Declaring to bet without taking into account your disadvantage relying completely on fold from the other player to win the pot. This kind of bluff is most appropriate when you are working up against one or two people who show signs of weakness. Pure bluffs are very risky because if they are called, there is no hope of winning the pot.

Mummy Tension

Mummy tension refers to the situation where the player bets or raises with a weak hand, but that complete rest is still able to be improved. If, for instance, you bet with a flush or straight draw, then not only could win that pot there and then if your opponents fold, it also means that as long as you’re called-on ward you have a chance to make very strong hands. In terms of real people and real things day their semi-bluffs can be recognized by less thoughtful play with less downtime mentioned here; on-line poker games are one example。

Continuation Bluff

A 2-barrel is when, for example, a player open raises preflop and then will bet anything on the flop no matter if if hits their hand or not. This bluff is, based on the fact that you are always betting, designed to put your opponents on tilt — because they would expect you to be doing this with monster hands.

When to execute a bluff in poker games

When you decide to bluff is critical.Noothe poker game is suitable for bluffing throughout.Whether you need to bluff or not is a sort of skill, that depends on the luck of the draw and when we look at this category between winning and losing dependent.

Learn the Number of Opponents

Bluffing a couple or so opponents is generally more effective than bluffing into a large crowd. In the online poker games here at joyjili, trying to bluff more than one player increases the chance that someone from among them will have a powerhouse hand.

Observe Betting Patterns

If you are able to understand how your opponents are betting, its a great tool for what type of bluffs to start using. In general, players who have a tendency to call or check and fold are more likely to be in a steel-bluff-net. The opposite table of the calling river player, you just cannot bluff because if they are going to call all the way down to the river its a pretty good chance that they are not going to fold.

Knowing When to Not Bluff

Correctly used bluffing is indeed a valuable item in online poker, but it is not the end of the story. Bluffing is not meant to be over-used because you will burn through your stack risking too much on a bluff.

Bluffing Too Frequently

Overuse of bluffing will make you easily read by other more experienced players. Being tagged as a constant bluffer in poker games, especially pwin7poker, would make your opponents call on you more often should you consider bluffing.

Deceive Those “Calling Stations”

The word “call station” refers to a player who would rather call than fold even with a very strong hand. They give your opponent infinite odds to draw out on you. These types of players are beyond bluffing successfully or outplaying with superior betting strategies because they are more than willing to call your bets, regardless of their hand. Best advice is to not try bluffing them, just play solid cards instead.

Bluffing in Low-Stakes Activities

Since it does not command much respect and people at this level are unlikely to give it, bluffing often fails online with low-stakes poker games. These levels like to see showdowns, which means bluffing is a much riskier business than it would otherwise be. In the circumstances, save those bluffs for when stakes are high and players know strategy better or are more cautious players on average.

Online Poker Games vs. Live Poker Games

Online Poker Bluffing at online poker gamesI said that since you are not able to see your opponent, You need different than the way you bluff on live pokergamesBluffing in online poker games takes on a different form. In live poker you have the opportunity to use physical tells and facial expressions of your opponents to guess if they are strong or weak. But in online poker games, this cue is eliminated so you must gather information from other sources such as bet sizing, timing and behavior patterns.

Transition to Online Play

Hands who are kicking back and checking in with on-line poker simply do not have the opportunity to dawdle. This liable for more hurried and less thoughtful decisions. Well-timed bluff may be lightning-fast choice in such instances, and it can be highly beneficial when used against distracted opponents. Let us now take the example of online poker game charts on joyjili to see whether this last PR summary is true. Incorporate some games that are known for being more appropriate than others where quickness and adaptability pays off amply, fast money multiplies.

Using Timing Tells During Online Poker Games

There are many reasons for this, but one of the key differences between live poker and online poker is that timing tells can be just as critical a part of your game than actually reading body language. If an opponent spends several minutes thinking over a bet or a check, that may indicate he is unsure about how strong his hand really is. On the other hand quick actions might mean that they are sure of what they are doing, or may have a predetermined plan. Capitalise on these tells to bluff in an online poker game


Bluffing isnt simply to fool your opponents — it is to make use of behavior differences and human weakness in order to profit. Blind bets are the ace up in your sleeve, but when you play on platforms like joyjili with online poker games available 24/7, bluffing can be an extremely important skill to have honed. But keep in mind that bluffing is an art and you have to practice, be patient and know your opponents well.